An unlikely alliance of two nature deities of opposing powers. Made during the Global Game Jam 2022 at FGJ Helsinki Arabia Online, using the Unity engine. Graphics by me, everything else, including the video below, by the rest of my awesome jam team. Watch the video for a peek, or download the exe from the jam website here, to test it out yourself! Scroll down to get a closer look at my contributions.
The theme for 2022 was duality, and the team I joined was initially planning something with an angel and devil theme. After some discussion though, we decided to instead go with an elements route. We were planning to do a puzzle game with different interactable elements, but as it often is with game jams, we ran a bit short on time... Here are some of my sketches for the characters and mechanics.
Here are the models I made for the player characters and their minions, plus the gray, yet unaffiliated minion. The characters have bones in their hair and eyes for cool dynamic movement and expressions.
The playable characters in the game have idle animations and running animations, and the minions have different animations for idle and aggro behaviors. I also made action animations for both playable characters, meant to be played while converting followers, but they didn't make it into the game because of time constraints.
Various 2d art I made for the game. Logo, title, background, and a cartoony fight animation that's used when the different minions collide.